After employing Julie, our new town planner and BAL assessor at the end of last year Nobelius gained a wealth of experience and knowledge.

The last three years have seen Julie work with Local Council as a Statutory Planner with a focus of Bushfire Planning and Recovery.

Julie has also been engaged in the completion of a Masters of Town Planning & Environment with RMIT where she recently received a high distinction for her Masters Thesis which developed a “place-based vulnerability assessment” to the risk of bushfire.

Julie is passionate about the fine balance that planners must achieve between the development and subdivision needs of the community, the preservation of Victoria’s biodiversity and the mitigation of risks such as flooding and bushfire.

So, what can we now offer?


  1. Bushfire Management Plans (BMP)

A BMP is required by the planning schemes of different Councils for development in an area subject to the Bushfire Management Overlay where there is a Schedule that specifies BMP requirements.

These requirements can include such things as Bushfire Construction Level; Defendable Space; Firefighting water supply; and driveway access.

A BMP will be required for a Planning Permit to be issued and will be endorsed along with construction and site plans.

Nobelius Land Surveyors is well positioned to provide this service by a Town Planner with bushfire planning experience with both Local Council and fire-effected community. We can provide this service as part of our Town Planning process and will be quoted accordingly.

How much can you expect to pay?

We estimate approximately $300 = GST for a BMP with a turn around time of 5 days (subject to change).


  1. Bushfire Attack Level Assessment

Who needs a BAL?

Under the Australian Standard AS 3959-2009 (Construction of Buildings in Bushfire Prone Areas) and BCA (Building Code of Australia), all new residential buildings located within a bushfire prone area must have a BAL assessment before planning or building permits can be issued.

The BAL rating is the Australian standard for measuring the risk of a home’s exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact. The BAL rating determines the construction and building requirements necessary to protect homes in bushfire prone areas

We have a qualified BPAD Level 1 practitioner onboard and can provide this service, which is increasingly subject to tightening regulations (meaning practitioners must have their BPAD Level 1 qualifications).



Who needs this service?  How much will it cost and what are the time frames?

This service is aimed at building practitioners, draftsman and architects.  Costing is $450 + GST for larger volume work & $500+GST for one off BAL reports.  We anticipate that we can have BAL Reports and Certificates issued to clients in 5-10 days (this timeframe is weather-dependent as a site visit is necessary).

If you would like to learn more about any of these services please contact us today and Julie will be in touch ASAP. 


For more info on BAL see https://www.vba.vic.gov.au/consumers/bushfire

For more info on BMP see  https://www.planning.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0032/481928/FAQs-Bushfire-Prone-Areas.pdf

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